SlickStack Vs. WP In A Box (Alternative)
Looking for a WP In A Box alternative? Want to know how WP In A Box compares alongside SlickStack? Browse the table below to see a detailed breakdown of features between these applications to determine which one might better suit your needs…
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SlickStack | WP In A Box | |
WordPress Focused Only | Yes | Yes |
100% Free Of Charge | Yes | Yes |
100% Open Source | Yes (GPL) | Yes (GPL) |
Standard Bash Commands | Yes | Unknown |
Designed Specifically For Ubuntu LTS | Yes | Unknown |
Avoids Email Blacklists (No Email Servers) | Yes | Unknown |
Includes Modern Email API Support (e.g. SendGrid) | Unknown | |
Includes Optimized MU Plugins | Yes | Unknown |
Optimized For Cloudflare | Yes | Unknown |
Dependency-Free (Works On Any Ubuntu LTS) | Yes | Unknown |
WP Single SIte Only | Yes | Unknown |
Direct / Root Server Management | Yes | Unknown |
Includes Monitoring Application | Yes (Monit) | Unknown |
Upgrade Server Packages Without Conflict | Yes | Unknown |