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Lightning-fast WordPress on Nginx


Things evolve quickly with SlickStack due to our ongoing “Beta” development and experimentation, but we get asked rather often about a Roadmap so we are adding something basic here. None of these features are guaranteed to actually happen, so this is more like braimstorming.

Generally speaking, here are our considerations:

Last updated: Jan 20, 2022

  • support for Debian and Raspbian
  • support for one-click images on major KVM cloud providers
  • expansion of our ss-install setup wizard options
  • support for alternative PHP-based CMS (e.g. Craft, OpenCart, PrestaShop, etc)
  • support for non-PHP-based* CMS (e.g. Ghost, Grav, Pico, etc)
  • support for Laravel based CMS (e.g. vanilla Laravel, October, etc)
  • support for Symfony based CMS (e.g. Bolt, PageKit, etc)
  • better integration with WP-CLI commands
  • support or integration for Cloudflare alternatives (DNS, CDNs, etc)
  • support for WordPress Multisite
  • support for local/dev/Git workflow apps (e.g. WP Pusher, VersionPress, Local by Flywheel, etc)
  • support for headless (decoupled) WordPress implementations
  • support for DNS API verification in Certbot
  • support for MySQL alternatives (e.g. MariaDB, PostgreSQL)
  • support for certain DevOps tools like Composer, phpdotenv, etc.
  • automated file permissions reset via WP Admin
  • automated SFTP password change via WP Admin
  • fix custom MU plugins installation
  • change to a better object cache that be disabled from within WP Admin
  • pause staging sync cron from within WP Admin

*Note: due to the nature of static-file generator type sites and the trends therein, we likely will not be considering supporting them. However we may eventually support flat-file CMS systems that use PHP (etc) but do not require a MySQL database.

We are constantly re-considering the Must-Use plugins that we include with SlickStack, and the features of those plugins (LittleBizzy develops all of them, so we have complete control). For example, after 6+ years of requests, Automattic finally agreed to index the wp_options autoload column by default in WordPress Core, meaning that we were recently able to remove Index Autoload from our list of included MU plugins.

We have no plans to support so-called “serverless” stacks, since those typically require multiple servers or services (ironically) and drastically complicate stack deployment and maintenance, which is not the goal of SlickStack. We remain focused on user-friendly, simple, and incredibly performant cloud servers powered by KVM that pair nicely with third party CDNs like Cloudflare.

For all our free plugins hosted on GitHub, we plan to eventually add support for Composer, NPM, and WP-CLI (when appropriate).

All this said, we welcome your feedback. If you are idling on our homepage and GitHub repos without offering any feedback, you are really not helping anyone. Please get involved in our free chat rooms if you’d be willing to offer your opinions and ideas. Thanks!

Thanks to our generous sponsors for their support!