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Lightning-fast WordPress on Nginx


SlickStack is the result of several years of research and testing by LittleBizzy, resulting in market-leading technical SEO. While SlickStack is actively used by and developed for our cloud server management business, and is primarily effected (back and forth) by what we aim to achieve, there are still multiple ways you can get involved and/or contribute to help us nurture a distinct community:

  1. Open an Issue on GitHub. For tech savvy developers, especially those with LEMP stack, Linux, and sysadmin experience, this is one of the best ways you can contribute to SlickStack. Reporting bugs, suggesting technical improvements, or other feature requests (NOT customer support), helps SlickStack to get better and better, while remaining free and open source.
  2. Spread the word about SlickStack. One of the most valuable ways to contribute is simply letting other people know about SlickStack. This could be on public forums such as Reddit, Facebook, and discussion boards, on your personal or company blog, or at WordPress Meetups, WordCamps, and other in-person events. And of course, leaving reviews on sites like Capterra, SourceForce, or Product Hunt helps a lot too!
  3. Move your extension to GitHub. SlickStack will increasingly integrate GitHub into our default search tools for WordPress plugins and themes. We strongly believe the future of WordPress and web hosting is decentralization — meaning recognizing that it has evolved past the bad faith, abuse, and favoritism that infests — and this can only happen by getting more agencies and developers to maintain public repos on GitHub. Say goodbye to SVN and Automattic’s melodramatic fiefdom. Remember, nearly 70% of WordPress contributions are now from non-Automattic employees! We do not wish to fork the CMS, but we do want to diversify the community.
  4. Financial contributions. We don’t yet have any donation methods (and we are not a non-profit entity), but we might consider making something more official if the time comes… for now, please consider becoming a member at if you’d like to help support our efforts in a more concrete way, and help us justify investing the hundreds of hours that this project demands. And, thank you!
  5. Newbies can help too. If you’re not really a developer (yet!), and maybe don’t even have your own blog or website, you can still get involved by simply asking general questions in our free community chat rooms. Sometimes, we forget what types of questions “typical” users might have, so by getting involved and not being shy about the questions you have, you are helping us tremendously (and creating more synergy).

Ultimately, we are serious about growing a community that champions free speech, public exchange and debate, and the open web, without overly promoting our own interests; we hope to actively avoid the “cronyism” that has become so common these days.

Thanks for your interest and support!

Thanks to our generous sponsors for their support!