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Lightning-fast WordPress on Nginx

SlickStack Vs. EasyEngine (Alternative)

Looking for an EasyEngine alternative? Want to know how EasyEngine compares alongside SlickStack? Browse the table below to see a detailed breakdown of features between these applications to determine which one might better suit your needs…

Note: We believe in friendly competition, but anyone contributing to FOSS projects has our utmost respect. Please thank them, and consider donating if you’re able.

WordPress Focused OnlyYesYes
100% Free Of Charge (No Premium Add-Ons, etc)YesYes
100% Open Source SoftwareYes (GPL)Yes (MIT)
No Corporate Overlords / Parent CompanyYesYes
Standard Bash CommandsYesNo
Designed Specifically For Ubuntu LTSYesYes
Avoids Email Blacklists (No Email Servers)YesNo (Postfix)
Includes Modern Email API Support (e.g. SendGrid)YesNo
Includes Optimized MU PluginsYesNo
Integrates CloudflareYesNo
Dependency-Free (Works On Any Ubuntu LTS)YesNo (Docker)
WP Single SIte OnlyYesNo
Direct / Root Server ManagementYesYes
Includes Monitoring ApplicationYes (Monit)No
Upgrade Server Packages Without ConflictYesUnsure

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