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Lightning-fast WordPress on Nginx

HTTP Nginx Auth (Password Required) Option?

Not at this time. We felt that adding a secondary “http auth” login via Nginx to the WP Admin / WP login is a bit pointless. SlickStack already has built in anti-brute force features for that URI pattern, as does Cloudflare. You can even use Cloudflare to setup a DNS-level auth page or security rules for that URI pattern if you desire.

Having a site-wide auth login also doesn’t make sense to us. We have a site-wide noindex feature already. If you want to make your WP site private, you can do that from inside WP itself.

Our goal is simplicity wherever possible, not adding more features just because. If you have feedback on this, please let us know, however! Thanks.

About the Author

Jesse Nickles

Jesse is the lead developer for the SlickStack project and also for HoverCraft, the accompanying free WordPress theme. He has been customizing WordPress for both personal websites and SEO clients for over 15+ years, with a focus on simplicity and longevity.


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