hiring freelancers who are good at using SlickStack, ideas?
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if you have any recommended freelancers who can manage SlickStack please share
I see this one maybe: https://www.freelancer.com/projects/wordpress/slickstack-expert-needed
I see this one maybe: https://www.freelancer.com/projects/wordpress/slickstack-expert-needed
hmm is that freelancer or job post I don’t think so.
Yes but you can see who won the job and must be they are good at using SlickStack, just search the previous jobs and you can find them, send a message:
Not sure maybe these guys can do it:
https://www.freelancer.com/u/mrkimoz from Egypt
https://www.freelancer.com/u/markmarkkutsenko from Ukraine
I think you can’t search past jobs but you can also check Upwork.com freelancers.
Still need help with that?
Still need help with that?
You can post your freelance gigs or links here if you offer help with SlickStack np
how about Fiverr?
SlickStack is growing steadily right now, anyone who offers related services would be smart to blog about it or post gigs on freelance marketplaces using “SlickStack” keywords so that people can find you in the Google results.
Looks like AlexHost is now offering SlickStack setup/migration:
They also offer it for WordOps and EasyEngine
does ChatGPT know how to setup SlickStack 😅
fyi the Insolvo platform now features SlickStack freelancers:
Insolvo, is that new? looks interesting.
we really need more freelancer marketplaces, not less! everyone can’t be using Upwork or Fiverr these days
now on CodeHost too 👍🏻
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