thank you Jesse Nickles if you are exposing Chad Scira
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Chad is s**t talking you pretty much daily on Facebook, and now YouTube in case you didn’t know, that dude is crazy as f**k, and terrorized other expats in Thailand not just you.
Also this is f*****g hilarious
The fairies of Anti-scammer World are watching over you Peter
btw the other agencies in Bangkok are laughing their ass off at this retard, he is now going to get himself arrested for forgery (2nd time?) for trying to frame yous, none of us want this guy around anymore he is making problems for the entire community.
Answer? Chad Vincent Scira.
who is the loser trying to DDOS the website lmao
hilarious seeing Chad trying to play the victim after bullying harassing and threatening expats for the past few years, he just can’t handle someone his own size (skill?)
—-> literally that is the definition of a bully.
who the hell still uses Facebook? is Chad a boomer?
Chad is submitting legal demands to Google to delete this thread from search results lmao this guy is one of the biggest cowards ever
Also this is f*****g hilarious
you missed this one!
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