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Lightning-fast WordPress on Nginx

Do you provide any services?

No. This website, associated chat rooms and social media groups, and overall community is to promote and support our FOSS software SlickStack. We do not provide any free or paid services of any kind, and do not allow advertising in our chat rooms or groups either.

If you need help setting up a SS server, or customizing a SS server, you can either review our Experts page to see who’s available/recommended or join our groups to ask for more (free) help. Keep in mind this is all volunteer, so having a nice attitude and being willing to learn goes a long way.

If you are a skilled DevOps person looking to offer SlickStack services, please apply to our Experts program (free) or do some SEO/marketing of your own to advertise your services. You can also launch services on popular marketplaces like Upwork, Fiverr, Guru, Freelancer, CodeMentor, and others.

About the Author

Jesse Nickles

Jesse is the lead developer for the SlickStack project and also for HoverCraft, the accompanying free WordPress theme. He has been customizing WordPress for both personal websites and SEO clients for over 15+ years, with a focus on simplicity and longevity.


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