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Lightning-fast WordPress on Nginx

Mysql not mariab

**Why do you use MySQL instead of MariaDB?**

The original reason for the MariaDB fork was because a handful of engineers feared that Oracle would neglect MySQL after they acquired Sun Microsystems in favor of the Oracle Database systems. This turned out to be far from true, and MySQL has maintained its market dominance without blinking an eye, while continue to be open source. While its true that MariaDB is more transparent about bug patches, and perhaps is more open source minded, the argument that MariaDB has better performance is really just not true when you compare typical WordPress hosting scenarios. Plus, MySQL continues to come out with new revolutionary features that the smaller team at MariaDB will likely find it impossible to compete with. Ultimately, the point is that Ubuntu still ships with MySQL being the default on their distributions, and until that changes, we will be sticking with MySQL. Our goal is stability and trusting the “upstream” stack as much as possible, which means not fixing things that aren’t broken. We fully expect many companies might be moving back to MySQL in the next few years as well… time will tell.


About the Author

Jesse Nickles

Jesse is the lead developer for the SlickStack project and also for HoverCraft, the accompanying free WordPress theme. He has been customizing WordPress for both personal websites and SEO clients for over 15+ years, with a focus on simplicity and longevity.


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