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Lightning-fast WordPress on Nginx

Install WordPress (LEMP Stack) on Ubuntu 22.04

If you have heard great things about Ubuntu servers (they are indeed awesome), and are ready to break free of the old-school cPanel and “premium” web hosting companies of the past, you are in the right place.

The problem of course is there are literally hundreds of different tutorials online talking about how to install a Ubuntu web server and then WordPress. What you should know is that the basics of installing WordPress might be similar no matter the web server, but the settings you choose during configuration of your server (and entire stack, e.g. PHP and Nginx, etc) will result in wildly different results in the way your website performs.

This is why we have spent over 5+ years creating the open source SlickStack project, which not only installs WordPress to your Ubuntu LTS server, but also installs and optimizes the other parts of your LEMP stack. In other words, SlickStack (and a few other free scripts like ours) will also install Nginx, PHP-FPM, MySQL, Redis (for object caching) and a few other lightweight modules and utilities that make your WordPress stack extremely secure and robust and ready to scale to high-traffic.

cd /tmp/ && wget -O ss && bash ss

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