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Lightning-fast WordPress on Nginx

Does SlickStack support PHP Composer?

As of March 2022 we announced no more support for PHP Composer. We never “really” supported it, but had played with it as part of experimental Magento support, etc. This lead us to realize that Composer is rather the opposite of what SlickStack wants to embrace, which is lightweight and straightforward module control and optimization. Since PHP Composer tries to takeover your entire software stack and run all kinds of installs and updates without any user input, this is “out of control” and misaligned with our approach.

We understand the attraction to Composer for some teams/projects, but it’s not going to be part of SlickStack going forward.

About the Author

Jesse Nickles

Jesse is the lead developer for the SlickStack project and also for HoverCraft, the accompanying free WordPress theme. He has been customizing WordPress for both personal websites and SEO clients for over 15+ years, with a focus on simplicity and longevity.


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