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Many installation issues

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  • #6770

    Hi all,

    I have been looking for various ways to manage my website on my VPS since VPSSIM that I used for years has been abandoned.

    Trying to decide between Cyberpanel/LiteSpeed and SlickStack for WordPress performance reasons.

    SlickStack looked promising but unfortunately I have quite many issues getting the basics to work.
    1. When I generate the ss-config file using the interactive guide in the script, wipe the server, reinstall, upgrade Ubuntu, reboot and then try to use that previously generated ss-config file again, I keep getting errors that I need to replace all @entries. That puzzles me because the ss-install script generated the file itself and I see no remaining @ entries when I check it using nano. Also the ss-config file worked fine for the first install.
    2. During “Running ss-install-ubuntu-bash… and ss-perms-ubuntu-bash” I get errors like:
    sed: can’t read /home/root/.bashrc: No such file or directory
    “/var/www/ss-install-ubuntu-bash: line 90: /home/root/.bashrc: No such file or directory”
    3. The ssh password and loginname nevers works after installation and reboot after the seemingly succesful SlickStack install ( get “permission denied” errors). I am using the sudo user and sudo password I set and that is confirmed by the script in the output. So I am locked out of the server after every install. Also connecting through the site both securely and non-secure gives me an Nginx 403 forbidden error.
    4. I notived the script uses certbot despite me having done the changes on Cloudflare. Wasn’t it supposed to use OpenSLL by defult?
    5. I get errors: [/tmp/]
    End-of-central-directory signature not found. Either this file is not
    a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive. In the
    latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on
    the last disk(s) of this archive.
    unzip: cannot find zipfile directory in one of /tmp/ or
    /tmp/, and cannot find /tmp/, period.
    cp: cannot stat ‘/tmp/disable-attachment-pages’: No such file or directory
    6. How do I find the “free chat room communities on Discord, Matrix, or Skype.” that is mentioned on the install page?

    I have wiped my server around 12 times trying to get the SlickStack install working over the last week. Checking all the documentation and threads I can find with no luck.

    Every try is done logged in as root on a completely clean KVM VPS with 6 GB RAM. I run the newest Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS (+ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade). I have made the requested changes on Cloudflare for my domain (around a week ago). The staging, development server, multisite options etc. are all set to “false” to simplify the install.

    Not sure what I’m doing wrong here – any ideas on how I fix these issues?

    P.S. Really hope a search function can be added to the forum, as finding answers is a bit difficult when you have to manually browse through every page of threads.



    What Ubuntu version and what cloud provider are you using? Be sure to use latest LTS release for less issues, now that is Ubuntu 22.04


    I’m guessing you’re on AWS

    AWS is not for newbies, tons of problems with AWS

    Use a better KVM provider like Vultr etc


    I’m guessing you’re on AWS

    AWS is not for newbies, tons of problems with AWS

    Use a better KVM provider like Vultr etc


    No, I’ve been using Hosthatch for the last 5 years. I love its performance and server locations in Sweden for my customers (in Denmark). I rather not switch to Vultr as Hosthatch has worked perfectly and fast with everything else I’ve thrown at it all these server and I’ve looked in some good package that is not available anymore.

    Ubuntu Ubuntu 22.04 has been completely upgraded using sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade and then a reboot.


    I’ve been running everything from CentminMod, VPSSIM, Cyberpanel to Wordops on this server with no issues (albeat with Centos on some of these obviously), but it seemed like SlickStack would be the optimal and most optimized option for Ubuntu based on my needs.


    You should always spin up a new KVM server when installing stack scripts… otherwise you’re just asking for conflicts!


    This is exactly what I’ve done more than 12 times unfortunately. All installed on a completely clean Ubuntu 22.04 LTS as mentioned in the original post.


    Well for starters sed: can’t read /home/root/.bashrc: No such file or directory is because the file doesn’t exist.

    That means wget failed to retrieve that file from GitHub during install. Did you run the installation using sudo? If not, try again using sudo?

    sudo bash /var/www/ss-install


    Exactly, it does not exist, which is weird when this is a completely fresh Ubuntu install (see details above).

    Yes, I run it with sudo every time which is why I’m just so puzzled it fails out of the box.


    For others experiencing the same issues, finally managed to solve the issues:

    .bashrc error.

    Reason: /home/root/.bashrc doesn’t exist because a stock Ubuntu 22.04.02 does not have /home/root/.bashrc (at least on my host). Either way the solution was to symlink /root/ to /home/root/.

    I’m curious why the script looks for a directory and file that does not exist on a stock Ubuntu install that is advertised to be supported by the script. It also seems to be the case on installs made using the official Ubuntu imags from

    Feature request: Have the script create a sym link /root/ to /home/root/ if /home/root/ does not exist.

    Root login:
    The script seems to not allow users to call the root user “root” and that was the problem. Feature request: If “root” is forbidden have the script reject “root” as username during the interactive install guide to avoid this problem with locking users out of their server.

    Now the install seems to work with SSL and all finally 🙂


    SlickStack already uses the /root/.bashrc path, it was calling the wrong path in your case because you tried to name your sudo user “root” which is impossible. The root user is a reserved name in all Linux systems, not just SlickStack.

    Sudo users are not “root” and by their very nature cannot be named “root”

    It sounds like most of your problems were caused by this mistake. Also yes OpenSSL is used by default but Certbot will still run and attempt to generate (and renew) a cert in the background just to keep it handy in case you need it for later with SlickStack, but the Lets Encrypt cert is not used by default.


    The “disable-attachment-pages” plugin was removed from SlickStack a few months ago and is pending a new version update before we reintroduce it. Commits welcome!

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