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Lightning-fast WordPress on Nginx


Do you support sub-subdomains (multi level subdomains)?

No, we don’t. SlickStack does not support sub-subdomains, because there is really no good reason to use them for PHP-based CMS websites. We are focused on technical SEO and usability, and sub-subdomains create various management headaches. The biggest one is SSL related, for example Cloudflare does not support sub-subdomains on their free plan meaning that […]

Can Let’s Encrypt verify domain with self-signed certificate only?

Yes actually Certbot does not care if your server is only currently setup with a self-signed SSL cert it will still read your /.well-known/ directory (unless denied access) and be able to verify your ownership of the server and then issue a signed LE cert for your domain. This feature is not very well documented […]

Can I still run Normal Linux Commands on SlickStack?

Yes you can. You can run sudo apt update && upgrade anytime you want, or sudo reboot, or whatever else. The idea of SlickStack is that it is a bundle of bash scripts to save you time and create more harmony in LEMP stack admin for WordPress, but it does not “take over” your OS […]

Can I fork and rename/reuse SlickStack?

If you love the concept of SlickStack but want to setup your own “mirrors” system on your own URL, and perhaps customize some other things from our scripts, that is totally fine. SlickStack is licensed under GPL which means its free to use and share and even modify, however you need to credit us when […]

How to restart the Nginx service on LEMP servers?

Not sure why many people Google how to do this, so we are making a FAQ page. But this is generally easy and well known in LEMP stacks to restart any module service you simply use the command “sudo service nginx restart” or substitute the “nginx” with the relevant Ubuntu package, such as “mysql” or […]

Change domain name

It is very easy to change your domain name. Since SlickStack is focused on technical SEO and local SEO performance we only support 1 domain name per server. This makes server administration super easy and predictable. To change your server name (site URL/domain) simply edit your /var/www/ss-config file using nano and change SITE_URL and SITE_TLD […]

Renew SSL Certificates

An awesome feature of SlickStack is that SSL certificates are auto-renewed if you have ss-encrypt scheduled in your core cron jobs. By default ss-encrypt will run in the “sometimes” cron interval which means around every 2 months, which is within the 3 month expiration of Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates. By default SlickStack uses OpenSSL certificates […]

Update Server Software

The easiest way to update your SlickStack LEMP stack is just to run sudo bash /var/www/ss-update which uses the built-in apt update and upgrade commands in Ubuntu. You can also run those commands manually if you prefer, and it should not affect any of your configuration. However, be sure to choose “confold” e.g. use the […]

fail2ban and IPtables support

No we don’t bundle fail2ban as we install Ubuntu’s own UFW Firewall already, which is very simple and easy to use. It includes a sort of IPtables function that is very lightweight and self-cleaning logs too. We feel that UFW along with Cloudflare’s own DDOS and other free features are more than adequate for most […]

Does SlickStack bundle analytics like Hexometer, etc?

No it doesn’t. This is because there are so many different analytics apps out there, and each team will want something different. There are really no market leaders either, as these apps are changing on a daily basis practically. Plus, our setup assumes you already have Cloudflare setup with free analytics too, which is better […]

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